Another Thing!

8 min read

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OreoApocalypse's avatar
Because I'm bored and it's Christmas vacation, so I won't have time for much when school starts back.

Stole these from :iconherikayela:

Meme 1

1. Do you like pizza?
No....absolutely not.

2. Who are your favorite YouTubers, if you have any?
Honestly have not watched any YouTube videos in forever, so I don't really have any.

3. What animal are you most like?
Maybe a cat. I'm quiet, tend to follow people around, and like to cuddle. I often get asked what I'm doing though, like "Why are you here?" And I'm just like, "To see you?"

4. Is there any type of food that you absolutely hate?
Pizza, refried beans, certain textures of chicken...

5. What's the craziest thing you ever saw happen with your own eyes?
Uhhmm.... Awhile back my sister hit a deer while driving.. That was pretty crazy to see. It hit the front of my side of the car and it just went flipping through the air...
Can't really think of much else at the moment that I would consider crazy. Unless you consider a bull walking down the side of the road at midnight crazy xD that happened last night. A big black bull, just strolling down the side of the road. My mom freaked out, so we called highway patrol >.> because whooo are you suppoooseeddd to call for something like that? She was afraid someone would hit it and die...because she knew someone who hit a horse once and died. And this cow was huge o.o

6. Who do you admire most?
I can't say that I really admire anyone. I dunno :shrug:

7. What's your biggest pet peeve?
People calling me selfish when I seriously try not to be selfish. Some people have a skewed version of what selfishness really is.
Also, I can't really stand it when people try to start something with you cause you said something they want to turn into a racist comment even though it wasn't. Like, just for an example, say I'm going to play pool doubles with threw of my friends; two guys, one girl, and me who is another girl. So naturally we'd make two teams with one boy and one girl each. Next, one of the guys is black and one is white. So say I choose to be on the white guys team, my black friend would go "What? Why don't you want to be on my team? Is it because I'm black? It is, isn't it?!" And like start that trying to be funny, knowing it's not true, and that's just not funny to me because sooooooooo many people do it and get away with it.

8. What is your biggest goal in life?
Gonna just say to be genuinely happy.

9. Who is your best friend? Tell me your favorite thing about them ~
Well, I don't currently have a best friend in real life because he decides to be a jerk and is no longer talking to me, and the reason remains unexplained to me. So I don't know what the deal is there.
I have a close friend from DA though :3 we talk all the time, and I guess my favorite thing about him is that he gets me most of the time and is also really good at making me believe in myself. Like if I'm doubting myself one day, or being self conscious or have low self-esteem he's like, "No, you know that's not true. You're amazing, you're smart, you're..." whatever else he decides to say to make me feel better, and it works.
Also, there is a friend at school who is a friend and he's really sweet most of the time. I enjoy talking to him, but sometimes not so much because he gets really hyped up and loud and critical around a certain other friend and no matter what I say or do it's wrong as long as the two of them are together. I've literally had to put in ear buds and close my eyes so I wouldn't start crying because the two of them were almost yelling at me for basically no reason and I just couldn't take it >.> then my white friend comes along and is like "Did you guys make her cry?!" And he like pets my head and asks if I'm about to cry, and one of the guys from before is like "You don't ask someone who's about to cry if they're about to cry." And I'm like well at least you're not completely insensitive :p They're all three sweet and nice, but when they're together I dunno, it's like a game of who can beat me up the most.

10. When opportunity knocks, do you answer the door or pretend like you're not home?
Opportunity? Who? What?! I've never heard this word before. Are they nice, friendly? Should I open the door for them?!

11. What is your greatest strength?
I'm mindful of other people, kind of a good mediator.

12. What is your greatest weakness?
Stress and anxiety. I have super high stress and anxiety levels, and I can bury it but it becomes hard to ignore at times. It sometimes causes me to become distant in personal relationships and that can be a downfall :l especially when hanging out in person.

13. Finish the sentence: "DeviantART is..."
A place where strangers know more about me than the people I know in real life...

MEME #2 - How Wrathful (Angry) Are You?

In the past year or two, you've...

[x] Punched someone
[x] Been in a fight
[x] Wanted to fight someone
[] Beaten someone up
[/] Been so angry you punched/kicked a hole in the wall (Have kicked a wall, punched a door, and have punched a wall, but I'm not Superman and also have a bit of restrain because my parents would kill me if I put a hole in something)
[] Held a serious grudge
[] Tripped someone
[] Bitten someone
[] Broke someone's body part
[] Gave someone a bloody nose
[/] Shouted at someone until they cried (I've shouted at someone until I cried)
[  ] Dug your nails into someone's skin until they bled
[x] Screamed (out of anger) until you were hoarse
[  ] Wanted to kill someone

Total: 5

People have described you as... (by described we're going with what people have called me, not necessarily described me as when talking to someone else)

[] Impatient
[x] A jerk
[] A bigot
[] Nasty
[x] Rude
[] Moody
[x] Hot-headed
[x] Irritable
[x] Salty
[x] Untrusting
[] Mean
[] Unsympathetic
[] Irrational

Total: 11

You'd lose your temper if...

[] Someone cut in front of you in a line
[] Someone didn't hold the door for you
[x] Someone grabbed something out of your hands (without asking) (Ok, why?! Why do people think it's ok to just take my phone out of my hand? This is not ok. I'm not ok with this. )
[x] Your meal was cold at a restaurant
[x] Your purse/wallet disappeared
[/] Someone insulted your friend
[x] Someone insulted your gender (Degrading people is not ok. Just because I'm a girl doesn't mean I'm anything less than what a guy can be )
[x] Someone insulted your hobby  
[/] Someone insulted your beliefs
[/] Someone insulted your ethnic group

Total: 17.5

On a scale of one to five, how angry do you consider yourself to be?

[] 1; Never angry [-2]
[] 2; Rarely angry [-1]
[] 3; Sometimes angry [+0]
[x] 4; Angry a lot of the time [+1!]
[] 5; Angry every second of the day! [+2!]

Grand Total: 18.5

If you got 0-10 points, put "Angelic" in the title!
If you got 11-20 points, put "Nice" in the title!
If you got 21-30 points, put "Naughty" in the title!
© 2016 - 2024 OreoApocalypse
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Herikayela's avatar
That from the bull is really crazy. XD
And that from DA, is a really true story, people here know me better than my family. :/

Lol, I'm more hot headed than you for what I see. XD